Preaching the gospel to every tribe and tongue.

Nathan & Jennifer Thomas

Nathan and Jennifer Thomas (Hope Pacific Missions) serve the children of Vanuata by starting kindergartens and primary schools in remote commuities where children traditionally lack access to education. On more than one occasion, a school they started opened the door for a church plant in a gospel resistant community.

Kerry & Denise Godwin

Kerry and Denise Godwin create videos that share God's love around the world. We live in Madrid, Spain and help get the story of Jesus into Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We want to get Jesus on Every Screen - TV, Phone and computer!

Bryan & Renne Webb

Bryan and  Renee Webb are missionaries to Vanuatu. They serve as Area Directors for the Pacific Oceania Area. We are seeking to build teams for missionaries across the twenty-three nations of Pacific Oceania.

Jason & Ashley Gamber

Jason and Ashley are preparing to apply the passion and skills that the Lord has given them to bring the hope of the Gospel to Honduras. 

Rick McCartney

Rick McCartney's ministry in Wales will include planting new churches and revitalizing existing churches that have no pastor. He will also assist in training potential pastors and lay leaders as well as raising up teams to reach university students in Wales.

Danny & Sherry Davis

The Davis' are called to equip pastors and help plant disciple-making churches among rural and remote people in partnership with the Uganda Assembly of God. Danny and Sherry Davis lead a rural Assembly of God congregation in Missouri to revitalize and develop impactful rural ministry. 

Andrew and Gina Mezzacasa Arthur

Andrew and Gina Mezzacasa Arthur are prayer missionaries at AG World Prayer Center where they, and other prayer missionaries, intercede for you, our country, and the world.