

Pastors and Staff

Brad & Kim Oyler

Lead Pastors

Pastor Brad Oyler has his roots in Independence, MO. He was saved at the age of 24 and was miraculously delivered from a life of alcoholism and addiction instantaneously by the grace and power of God. Armed with an incredible testimony, he was ready to share it with everyone! It didn’t take long for him to feel the undeniable call to the ministry. He soon began volunteering in his local church and eventually served as their Youth Pastor.

He began his full-time pastoral ministry as an Outreach Pastor where he served for more than 10 years. Pastor Brad is a hard worker and is revered by all who know him as a man’s man. He is a great example of compassion, strength and humility. His preaching style is down to earth and relatable to a new believer or seasoned Christian. His stories will make you laugh, cry, reflect on your life and are guaranteed to make sure you never forget the Biblical principles he is illustrating.
He is partnered in ministry with his wife, Kim, of 33 years. She also serves the church in administration, women’s ministry, preaching and teaching. Kim relates to the ministry with much transparency, grace and joy. She brings much laughter to the church through her animated weekly adventures of the Oyler household. Brad and Kim have four handsome sons. Two are grown with their own families. Pastor Brad and Kim receive much joy from the grandchildren that God has blessed them with. They are also still in the thick of parenting while raising 2 teenage boys. Their heart for ministry and for people shows in everything they do!

Levi & Danielle Hinson

Production and Connections Pastors

Levi and Danielle Hinson are original members of Courageous Life Church since its inception in 2012. They have served faithfully with a heart to provide whatever was needed! Because of their generous hearts, they have served in several capacities including youth ministry and children’s ministry. Levi currently serves as Production Pastor overseeing media and sound during our services. Danielle serves as our Connections Pastor where she welcomes each new person and connects members to life groups and Serve Teams. They are both bivocational, successfully working in different leadership positions within our local school district. They are raising 2 beautiful girls to love Jesus and serve in the church. 

Lucious and Liz Mondaine

Outreach  and Evangelism Pastors

Lucious and Liz Mondaine are original members of Courageous Life CHurch since its inception in 2012. 
They have served in various Ministry roles including youth ministry, children's ministry, evangelism, outreach, and mentoring. They officially joined the staff of Courageous Life Church in February of 2022 as the Pastors of Outreach and Evangelism. Lucious graduated from South Bend Indiana Master’s Commission in 2003. He was Outreach coordinator at the Kansas City Dream Center, substance abuse support counselor for Living Stones Discipleship. 
They are both bi-vocational and work for a nearby school district while also raising 3 teenagers that serve alongside them in ministry.

Above everything else Lucious has a heart to see people transformed by the power of the Gospel and to reach their God given purpose. Their goal is to help expand our community outreach and impact. In their time in ministry they’ve seen that even the smallest act can have a large impact, and they are excited to be part of the team to continue to see what God can do through CLC!

Chandler and Abbie Seevers

Youth Pastors

Chandler has been attending Courageous life Church since 2017,  and Abbie has been attending since 2020. Chandler and Abbie met here at Courageous Life Church Youth Ministry. They were married at CLC in 2022! They both have been called and feel led to lead the next generation. They want to see more of the next generation follow and commit their lives to Jesus. They both have a burning desire to serve God with all that they have. Chandler and Abbie are gifted in many ways that they use to serve the church and the people of CLC. You will find that they connect very easily with teenagers, making sure that everyone feels like they belong! They make sure our Youth services are both fun and impactful. They are making a difference in the lives of teenagers in our community!

Jason & Ashley Gamber

Children's Pastors

Jason and Ashley have been married for 4 years. They have 2 beautiful baby boys Hudson and Andrew. Ashley and Jason both have ministry backgrounds. Both of them have been youth pastors at local AG churches. They spent some time working at an A/G Bible college in North Dakota with the Pack your Bags ministry program. Missions is the heart they both share. They have a desire to run a children’s home in Honduras. Children’s ministry has a special place in their hearts. They desire to raise up the next generation of young leaders.
They are excited about what God is going to do at CLC. Their goal is to create a safe place for kids to connect with God and others. Jason and Ashley want them to learn and grow in the calling Jesus has for them.

Keith and Amanda Stacey

Worship Pastors

Amanda and Keith grew up in ministry and with music. They met at the school of music at Lee University and performed together with the ladies of Lee and the Lee university singers. After school, they served as worship pastors in Tennessee, Florida and Kansas and have served on state music boards. They are ordained and licensed ministers through the Church of God (Cleveland, TN).